Non-residential Fathers Contributions to the Health & Well-being of their Children in Shelters: A Phenomenological Study

Wednesday, May 16, 2018: 2:45 PM
Lakeshore C (Hyatt Regency Minneapolis)
Karen M. Hudson, PhD, MSW, LSW (Program Leader, Homeless Health Initiative, CHOP)
Homelessness is a social and public health problem in the United States with women and children comprising the fastest growing segment of this population. Often shelter policies separate fathers from their children upon entry into shelters. Little has been written about fathers experiencing homelessness, their parenting contributions to their children’s well-being, and specifically about their involvement in the health and health care of their children.  Even less has been written about the experience of non-residential fathers parenting and the health contributions they make to their children residing in shelters. The described research study addresses this gap in the literature.