Patient Centered Medical Homes in HCH: A Case Study Discussion

Friday, June 23, 2017: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM
McPherson Square (Grand Hyatt Washington)
When it comes to Patient-Centered Medical Home Status or Accreditation, HCH grantees are scattered across the spectrum related to level of understanding and training. HCH’s also face different challenges in documenting for standards when working with a transient and unique population. While this session cannot cover all the training needs of our grantees, it will provide an opportunity to review a successful Case Study of an HCH Standalone clinic as they journey through the process of learning about PCMH, assessing internal capacity, submitting application, implementing and reporting standards post-award, and the impact of PCMH status.
Karen L McGlinn (CEO, Share Our Selves (SOS))
Mary Ann Huntsman, PharmD, BCSCP, CDE (Director of Clinical Pharmacy Services, Share Our Selves Corporation)
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