Are We Doing Enough to End Homelessness? A Thoughtful Discussion of What is Working and What Remains to be Done

Thursday, June 2, 2016: 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
Broadway III (Hilton Portland)
A number of mainstream media articles have hit the press proclaiming giant strides in ending homelessness. The State of Utah announced they reduced the incidence of chronic homelessness by over 90%. Communities around the country are promoting a message of "ending homelessness." Yet, at the same time, mayors in major cities in Hawaii, Oregon, and California have announced "states of emergency" over homelessness. Housing instability has hit an all-time high in some of the largest urban communities in the U.S. And, a casual walk through many cities reveals a staggering number of people experiencing homelessness. A great disconnect exists. The workshop will continue the conversation started at the 2015 HCHC conference by helping health center providers and programs sort through the facts, figures, press, and information to determine critical paths to advocacy. The workshop will include a moderated discussion with key thought-leaders in the homelessness field and an interactive crowd-sourcing activity.
Jeff Olivet, MA (CEO, Center for Social Innovation)
Jim O'Connell, MD (Founder, Boston Health Care for the Homeless)
Barbara DiPietro, PhD (Senior Director of Policy, National Health Care for the Homeless Council)
Kevin Lindamood, MSW (President & CEO, Health Care for the Homeless)
Wayne Centrone, NMD, MPH (Senior Health Advisor, Center for Social Innovation)
See more of: Think Tank